An Idaho town may seem an unlikely hub for gambling innovation, but an Ethereum-powered “no-loss lottery” may prove otherwise.
The lottery paradox has long been an intriguing puzzle that has generated extensive discussion. Unlike many other probability-related paradoxes, however, there is no simple solution for it.
What is the game?
No one likes feeling defeated after purchasing a lottery ticket, but PoolTogether wants to change that with their cryptocurrency-based game that creates “no-loss” lottery using Dai as an Ethereum-backed stablecoin pegged to U.S. dollars to ensure everyone at least makes some progress towards winning at least something!
The game centers around quantum leaping, an exponentiation of physics that allows superhuman abilities. Quantum Leapers possess several distinct powers such as Power Mimicry – mimicking any variety of superpower without needing another superhuman present – and Reality Bending (changing which power they possess, with some limitations to achieve desired effects).
How do I play?
As of today, there is currently an available liquidity pool of $N/A within Leap Lottery (LEAP). This accounts for 0.00% of total market cap. Trading volume has been relatively minimal so far – please check back later for increased trading activity!
Worley may seem an unlikely incubator of America’s fascination with lottery and high-tech gambling, yet some suggest this hamlet could become home for an innovative breakthrough in gaming via lottery – in essence becoming America’s lottery capital of tomorrow.
What are the odds of winning?
Many lottery buyers purchase lottery tickets without knowing their odds of success and cling to the Quantum Leap myth that success comes through luck rather than hard work – similar to purchasing golf clubs and balls without taking lessons first.
As it stands, lightning strikes four times more often than winning the lottery. But that doesn’t mean you should never play; playing regularly could actually increase your odds of success!
Fractional odds, such as 1/4, represent the ratio of your profit (not total payout) to stake. Decimal odds, on the other hand, are expressed as decimal numbers such as 2.50. This calculator will convert stated odds into probability percentage chances for both winning and losing and makes downloading it simple – just click below!